جهاز التنكيه 1


إعادة النظر
zirve international

The process of making popcorn and blowing corn grains is done by hot air without oil Exactly matching the American model CRETORS Manufactured and equipped for continuous work 24/7 Length / 220 / cm, width / 100 / cm, height / 180 / cm. Production capacity / 120 / to / 130/kg per hour, The machine operates with open circuit system (continuous flow) Equipped with Belgian screwdrivers, a precision control and calibration industry Powered By LPG gas (on request) It is equipped with Burners Italian ECOFLAM brand Equipped with a / 12 / cm insulation layer of glass fiber over the whole structure area Made entirely of / stainless steel 304 /. Equipped with a main engine capacity of / 4 / hp / 3 / kW Turkish industry. Equipped with a rotary engine capacity of 1 hp Turkish industry GAMAK brand with a Gearbox from the Italian company VARVEL. Total capacity / 3 / kW / 380 / V / 50 / Hz Equipped with a Stainless steel control panel, all control, protection and protection parts are supplied by SCHNEIDER brand France. Features a touch control screen with Two languages English, Persian. Equipped with / 2 / temperature clock, a Korean brand of AUTONICS precise tuning and calibration Equipped with / 2 / air temperature sensors Italian industry

الخطوط المستخدمة

خط انتاج طرابيش الشيبس المقلية طراز LPX200
خط انتاج طرابيش الشيبس المقلية LPX400
خط انتاج شيبس البيليت LP500
خط انتاج شيبس البطاطس الطبيعي PC300
خط انتاج شيبس الطرابيش المشوية LPX200-E
خط انتاج شيبس الطرابيش المشوية LPX400-E
خط انتاج شيبس التورتيلا
LC 350-CHخط انتاج شيبس الذرة NIKNAK طراز
جهاز التنكيه 1 |
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Zirve Extrussion

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