المجفف الأسطواني


المجفف الأسطواني
إعادة النظر
zirve international

Function: Roasting and drying the chips . The production capacity is (200) kg/h. A cylinder made of / stainless steel 304 / with a diameter of / 85 / cm and length of /400 / cm. The drying is done by heat (heat source is gas or electric radiators as required). The dryer is covered with two layers of stainless steel, with thermal insulator between them to reduce heat loss and save energy as much as possible. Equipped with a mechanism to remove the impurities that may result from the dryer rotation and the product friction. A Turkish / 1 / HP motor brand YILMAZ. An electrical panel with all necessary protection elements, all the parts are from French SCHNEIDER brand. The speed of the dryer is electronically controlled (inverter).

الخطوط المستخدمة

خط انتاج شيبس الذرة LC200
المجفف الأسطواني |
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